Mobile Energy Ecosystem
The Mobile Energy Ecosystem is second generation
off-grid electric vehicle and personal electronics
charging station, designed by Makello and Butler Sun
Solutions, Inc., added to the ESW @ UCSD Solar
Slider trailer platform.
EV / PV Microgrid = Mobile V2G & V2V |
Vertical Divider
Makello, and SaveEnergy, an award recipient of a
$500K California Solar Initiative educational grant,
created interactive energy analysis tools to help
homeowners find ways to save energy and money while
ensuring comfort in their home, and a lead
generation platform for contractors to implement or
advise on energy saving improvements. Makello
implemented data feeds from a variety of national
renewable energy lab data, to pre-calculate energy
use and efficiency upgrade cost savings potentials
for common building sizes and characteristics in the
United States.
(For more information, contact: |
Wireless Battery Charging For Soldiers In Combat
Makello and Butler Sun Solutions, Inc, in
consultation with Argonne National Laboratory,
submit SBIR A11 grant application for a wireless
power energy storage and tranportation system for US
Army forward operating bases, to use non-ionizing,
discrete, directed microwave energy beams to
transmit energy wirelessly from a patrol vehicle to
soldiers nearby (“Vehicle-to-Patrol Microwave” or
(For more information, contact:
Vertical Divider
UCSD Wireless Power Shuttle Loop
Makello and Butler Sun Solutions, Inc presented a
project proposal for a wireless power transportation
loop at UCSD, using a campus shuttle fleet bus,
retrofitted with energy storage, wireless power
transmitters, and an electric motor integrated into
the existing transmission.
Airport Wireless Power Shuttle Loop![]()
Makello and Butler Sun Solutions, Inc, in
consultation with Argonne National Laboratory,
submit SBIR 71b grant application for a wireless
power flywheel energy storage and airport shuttle
tranportation system.
(For more information, contact: |
Vertical Divider