You’ve received an architectural application for a rooftop solar installation so what do you do next?
Does your HOA dread architectural applications for solar installations?

You’ve received an architectural application for a rooftop solar installation so what do you do next?
What comes to mind when you think of the average electric vehicle owner? Where do they live and what is their economic status? These are excellent questions to ask when assessing where to build EV charging infrastructure, but are impressions correct and rooted in reality? Are community resources being distributed equitably or are misconceptions leaving …
Continue reading “Equity, Electric Vehicle Sales and Public Charging Stations”
Did you know that, whether or not you have an existing solar energy system, you can tap into a combination of up-front incentives, financing, to build up your savings into a 6-Month Emergency Fund and lower monthly costs? Read more about the Energy Upgrades LIFELINE. Book a FREE 15 minute appointment to: 1) Find out …
Continue reading “Are You In Need of an Energy Upgrades LIFELINE?”
Skyline showcases are difficult to manage. At the September 18, 2019 “Job-I-Con” Hiring Event, held at the San Diego Library, 9th floor, the window walls stand 25’ tall, on 3 sides. The east wall and roof shade cast the entire room into heavy contrast between 10 AM and 12 PM. Book a FREE 15 minute …
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Recently, a solar powered homeowner inquired about adding a Level 2 charger for a 2013 Nissan Leaf, typically a $400 installation. Most solar companies would refuse the job due to low profit. Makello rose to the challenge and used our Energy Analysis tool to present an “Energy Upgrades Lifeline” option that improves the homeowner’s cash …
Maps are used for more than directions, and at Makello, we are creating maps to highlight communities within our Service Areas. We have a gallery of maps with community insights and tips regarding solar and electric vehicle adoption. Makello has maps to help prospective Plug-In Vehicle owners determine the current and future availability of public …
Continue reading “Social and Environmental Justice Opportunities In Maps”
Makello is developing GIS services and creating maps useful to the solar power, electric vehicle, and energy storage industries, as well as for our teaming companies, including several non-profit organizations. Maps are an important method for analyzing and presenting data. We will examine redlining and clean-air technology access by the San Diego African American community …
Continue reading “African Americans Concentrated in Diverse Redlined San Diego”